About us

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Boydton Baptist Church is a joy-filled, Bible teaching and believing family of believers who Love God, each other, others, and our community.  We believe that God must be the #1 priority in our lives and that Christ Jesus "calls" us as individuals, and as a church, to complete the work that He began on this earth.  Praise God, our Fellowship is sweet, our Spirit strong, and we are blessed with young children & families, singles, seniors, and a congregation dedicated to worshiping Him in a warm, fun-filled, "Let's Make a Difference for the Kingdom" atmosphere.  Our Pastor was "called" late in life after many years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience.  He calls himself a Sinner Saved by Grace because he is!  Won't you come join us serving our risen, living Savior?

      Pastor Carl Bagley                        Boydton Baptist Church
      434-447-4030 Home                          239 Madison Street
      434-917-5813 Cell                             P.O. Box 9
                                                             Boydton VA 23917
                                                           Phone: 434-738-7018
